Devil may cry 5 xbox
Devil may cry 5 xbox

devil may cry 5 xbox

I’ll admit, I wasn’t sold on the idea at first. Instead, he utilizes the strength of three demonic beings that do his bidding for him, that is, before V delivers the finishing blow. Unlike his demon hunter counterparts, V is too frail and weak to fight. V, on the other hand, is a newcomer, and he fits into this trio like peas in a pod. Both Dante and Nero need no introduction their personalities and traits falling very much inline with what we’ve come to love. It helps, of course, that the story is upheld by a stellar cast of characters, all of which are tremendously voiced. Devil May Cry 5 instills that iconic over-the-top vibe exceptionally well, with story beats that, although predictable, never fail to satisfy overall. Why spoil it now? What I will say is that the plot is through the roof. I don’t really want to spoil much of the story outside of that, because in truth, this is something you simply need to witness firsthand, and, well, you’ve waited long enough for it. The game’s setup is certainly an eye opener, and wastes no time at showing you just how weak the leading characters are against Urizen’s brute force. Urizen is a powerful foe that’s using Red Grave City as a human blood bag to feed the Qliphoth tree, and in doing so, plans to consume its blood-filled fruit and become ruler of the underworld. The root of this evil is that of the demon king known as Urizen. The stirring of a new demonic invasion throws Dante, Nero, and V – a mysterious new character, straight into the fray.

devil may cry 5 xbox

Though, much to be expected, shit always hits the fan eventually. It helps that at the center of all this, rests an engaging and captivating plot.įollowing Devil May Cry 4, it’s been a number of years since the legions of hell have invaded the planet. Make no mistake about it, Devil May Cry has never looked so good. Running in Capcom’s propriety RE Engine, the game manages to achieve technical greatness across the entire board from its stunning visuals and its stellar character models, right up to its exceptional lighting and its jaw dropping environmental effects. Perhaps the most exciting aspect is that the core team, including director Hideaku Itsuno, have all reunited to hit the proverbial nail on the head. Has the fifth mainline entry been worth the rather lengthy wait? Well, I’ll not waste any time here, Devil May Cry 5 is epic. Now however, at long last, Capcom’s bringing back the devil you know. DmC had style, but it wasn’t quite the style that the series’ dedicated followers were seeking. Whilst Ninja Theory’s DmC released to a fairly warm reception among the critics, fan reception, quite understandably, was a mixed bag. With definitive editions aside, it’s been a good while since we last saw a new Devil May Cry game hitting consoles.

Devil may cry 5 xbox